In addition to annually offered Eurasian languages such as French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, MSU also offers less traditional language programs.
Other less commonly taught languages include Dutch, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Pashtu, Polish, Tajik, and Yiddish.These languages might only be offered for one semester, one year or might continue to become a regularly offered course. These languages are not guaranteed and are often added only a couple of weeks before classes begin.
The German faculty embrace an inclusive model of German Studies that integrates the study of language, literature, and culture at all levels. Recognized in 2013 by the American Association of Teachers of German as a Center of Excellence, the German program has distinguished itself in the field of German Studies and is known for its outstanding study abroad programs and its vibrant co-curricular activities. The MSU German faculty is nationally recognized for their contributions in the fields of literary, cultural, linguistic, and pedagogical scholarship.
Romance and Classical Studies offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in French and Spanish; undergraduate minors in French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and in Classical and Ancient Mediterranean Studies; and Teacher Certifications in French, Italian, Latin and Spanish. Graduate study leads to Master of Arts degrees in French Studies, Hispanic Literatures and Spanish as a Second or Bilingual Language, as well as to Doctoral degrees in French Studies and Hispanic Cultural Studies.
The undergraduate program in Russian at Michigan State University is designed to help students develop proficiency in the Russian language, literature, and culture. Students may study Russian language, literature, and culture as part of your multicultural education or as a complement to a profession in scientific research, government service, international business, or education.